The Eaters Digest Frequency! fight flight rest digest create Apr 17, 2024

The Best Way to Digest

Courtesy of your subconscious mind, you breathe 24/7 without having to think about it. Although, with your conscious mind, you can change how you breathe, and how you breathe matters, especially when eating.

The subconscious mind is trained to make quick adjustments...

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Your Heart Health Matters Apr 17, 2024

Beyond the Diet Alone

February is one of my favorite months, it's the month of my birthday, the month of love with Valentine's Day and happens to also be Heart Health Month. 


Having lost loved ones to heart disease, as I'm sure you have also, all matters of the heart in terms of...

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How You Eat Matters Mar 19, 2024

It's Not Just What You Eat...

Scrolling on the phone while eating might be causing you indigestion...  

Multitasking, scrolling on your phone, working at the computer while goggling down your meal without might be causing fast, improper chewing and rushing through your meal without...

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Nourish to Flourish - starting the year 2024 off right Nov 06, 2023

Is it time for a new resolution on diets?  In my 30-plus years as a registered dietitian, I’m sure it comes as no surprise, to suggest that no other time of year rings in the word DIET more than New Years. The word "resolutions" means "to resolve" or to find a new year resolve to be...

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